There are innumerable ways to experience angels. Sometimes they come to you as "angels unawares" where they appear to be humans but are really angels who have been sent to see you through a life experience. They will come to you in a form that you will accept.

Angels my have familiar faces or most likely will be strangers to you but their actions will prove who they are. Angels do not all have wings and they are not all angelic looking. When you do encounter an angel unaware you will see them as an ordinary person. What happens during your encounter will make you realize or just wonder if they were angels after all. More about this later.

Times of great stress and/or when in a very traumatic situation angels will appear to surround and bring comfort.

Experiencing angels can be a mystical experience like pictured here or they may appear to you as wispy, ethereal beings. They may show up as dancing white lights or you might get a glimpse of them as an array of colors. The colors are emanating from archangels.

Some say that the wings you see on angels is merely the vibrations they give off. That could very well be. The bottom line is that you will experience them in a way that is right for you and that you can believe and accept.
Envisioning angels in any form makes them more real to you. Talking with your angels, praying to angels, or calling on angels for help makes them very real. Focusing on scripture verse or meditating will definitely get their attention. Worship, especially in a group setting calls to the angels and they love to join in the praise offering to God. Angels are God's thoughts passing to mankind...they are God's messengers. Their job is to bring comfort, encouragement, enlightenment and peace to mankind on behalf of God.

These images may be how you think of angels. We always want to think of them watching over our children and indeed they do. We all have our own angel who is always at our side. That is a comforting thought for the most part.

Personally I have experienced angels in different ways. They often leave me little signs of their presence like a penny lying on the ground or floor or a single feather that seems to appear out of nowhere. Sometimes I can feel them touching me, especially in the way of holding my hand. This has happened a lot while driving in the car alone. Many people say they see signs of angels in repeated songs or the word angel repeatedly appearing or in repeated numbers on digital clocks, grocery receipts or any number of places you may find numbers. Numbers like 3:33 am, 4:44 pm, 11:11. There are books that will tell you the meaning of seeing these numbers repeated and what angel message they impart. How and when you see your angels is a very personal experience and is created specifically for you so there is no set way to experience angels.

Calling on your angels, acknowledging their presence or just talking with them creates an awareness in you that you are never without help and gets their attention. They never hang around to be thanked but I am quite sure they will hear when you do thank them for 'having your back'.
Next I will tell you the story of my first encounter with beings of light, angels, who came to share wisdom.
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