Angels are beings of light and exist at a much higher vibration than we do in human bodies. They are not flesh and blood so they do not have the restrictions and limitations that we experience here on earth. They are completely dedicated to Creator, God and as such are love energy. They never exist on this plane of consciousness, meaning they do not walk this earth as humans.
It is believed that Guardian angels, all angels for that matter were created at the time of all creation and were created by God to act as His ethereal messengers of love, peace, protection and guidance to human kind. At the moment of conception God assigns a Guardian angel to you as your constant companion and protector. The term guardian angel means just that. This angel has the assignment of watching over you 24/7 and is known as 'the one who never leaves'. Every person has their own Guardian Angel by Divine Design, no exceptions. Literally that moment that a soul unites with a body an angel is commissioned to watch over that soul. You can be sure that you are never really alone. Your angel is with you. Your Guardian angel is with you throughout your whole life.

In the beginning God created the world that we call home. According to Gen. 1:3, "on the first day when God made "light" the "light He made was the angels." This is confirmed when He "divided the light from the darkness." This was in reference to the battle between the angels who were true to God and His Divine Purpose for them and those who followed Lucifer (Gen. 1:4). You see, according to the account of creation, the sun and the moon were created on the Fourth Day!
There is a confusion between Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. Probably most of us do have a Spirit Guide as well as a Guardian Angel but the difference is that the angel was created by God and never walks as a human but the spirit guide did at one time walk in human form but chose to be elevated to spirit guide after death. Both do the same for you as they both love you unconditionally, offer protection and do offer guidance. A Spirit Guide is most likely a deceased loved one who chose to watch over you in the spiritual realm.
Guardian Angels really don't use words to communicate with us. They are there as images that we hold in our thoughts of them, in our feelings and our intuition about them and it is through our thoughts that we hear their messages. It is through our emotions that we feel their loving presence and it is through our sense of well being that we know they are close and are there protecting our daily walk.
Angels can at times take on the form of being human if the circumstances require them to do so. When they do they are not visible for long. They complete their task and are gone as quickly as they came. Their true form is that of a higher vibration and they are pure light energy. If you were to look at a Spirit Guide and an angel side by side they would appear the same except the angel is a bright white light while the spirit guide is also light but not as bright.
Your guardian angel makes certain you are safe and guided always. Angels are not allowed to interfere with our human will but they are always at the ready to offer words of comfort and intervene when called upon for help. Spirit guides who are most often loved ones like parent, grandparent or beloved friends are also given instructions that they may not interfere with our choices. Those who are empaths or have a very spiritual awareness can easily tell the difference between a spirit guide and guardian angel. Angels have a much higher vibration. The light of a spirit guide is more a bluish-white than a pure white.
Animal Spirit GuidesDefinition of Animal Spirit: What is Animal Spirit? An Animal Spirit is strongly associated with the Native American Indian belief in Animism that is a belief based on the spiritual idea that the universe, and all natural objects within the universe, have souls or spirits. An animal spirit is believed to be a supernatural power that embodies, attaches or conveys influence empowering a person with the trait of the animal. The animal spirit is also regarded as a guide who might appear in dreams in the form of an animal. An animal spirit, or spirit guide, walks through life with a person, teaching and guiding them, and in some instances protecting them. Also refer to Power Animals to find a list of the meaning and significance of different animal spirit guides. Take a test to see what your animal guide is...
Never be hesitant to ask for angels to surround and protect your loved ones. That is their purpose and they are waiting to be asked. They must be invited to act on our behalf. Ask them to surround your home, your business, your family and your friends. Just remember to say "thank you" to them for their help. This is not a requirement but I am quite sure they appreciate our gratitude.
Asking your angels for help does not require a ritual or formal prayer. A simple and sincere request, even if it is just, "Angels Help!" is really enough. A prayer for help is really all it takes for God's messengers to be released to work on your behalf and they do come instantly. They are not flesh and blood beings so they have no restrictions on time or space. It does not matter what your need may be nor if you feel you deserve their help. Helping is what they do and there is an abundance of angelic beings at the ready to help mankind.
Here is a special THANK YOU to my Guardian Angel who is my ever faithful, constant companion. Your loving presence is appreciated!
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