Saturday, November 7, 2015

Facts About Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. He’s known for bearing good news of Jesus’ coming birth, but his first biblical appearance is in Daniel 8:16, when he is told to explain a vision to the prophet.
In all three appearances, Gabriel was met with fear, and he had to begin his conversations with words of comfort and cheer for Daniel, Zechariah, and Mary. It is possible that Gabriel was also the angel that appeared to Joseph in Matthew 1:20, but this is not certain, since that angel is unnamed in Scripture. What we do know is that Gabriel is one of God’s good and holy angels. He has a favored position as an angel who “stands in the presence of God” (Luke 1:19), and he was selected to deliver important messages of God’s particular love and favor to individuals chosen to be part of God’s plan.
Author Richard Webster writes in his book Gabriel: Communicating with the Archangel for Inspiration and Reconciliation that, "Gabriel aids visions, and can also help you get glimpses of the future." Webster adds: "You can call on Gabriel for help whenever you feel downhearted, need to overcome doubt and fear, or desire guidance, inspiration, intuition, or purification."

Even though Biblical accounts of Archangel Gabriel tell of his visits as very traumatizing to the recipient, he is known to be an angel who inspires and likes to appear in dreams to offer important messages.  

In their book Dreaming With the Archangels: A Spiritual Guide to Dream Journeying, Linda and Peter Miller-Russo write that archangel Gabriel and other archangels may work during your dreams to help you solve problems if you invite them to do so before going to sleep: "You should awaken with a dream-world memory that contains the solution (or a seed to the solution) to your problem. Sometimes you will not remember having a dream at all. Yet the answer to the problem will come to your conscious awareness later in the day."
Although this angel has appeared to people in both male and female form, Gabriel is predominantly male energy.  He is white light but is reported to appear with a copper light surrounding him. In the bible he was described as being surrounded by fire.  Pictures of him often show him with a large copper trumpet which symbolizes he is the bearer of important messages. 

Archangel Gabriel is however, known as the angel of water.  Emoto suggests in his book The Secret Life of Water: "If you find yourself feeling down, overwhelmed by the daily grind, or offended by an unkind word or act, then I suggest you try something: simply look at water. ... you will discover that water takes you to another world where you will feel the water within you being washed clean ... it will heal you at your core."  Being that Gabriel comes to those who ask for clarity in the dream state, it is suggested that a way to invite him to send messages of guidance through your dreams is by drinking water before sleep.   
Webster suggests in Gabriel: Communicating with the Archangel for Inspiration and Reconciliation that people "drink water that has been blessed by Gabriel" by exposing a glass of water to the moon's direct rays for at least one hour, then praying over it while facing the moon and holding the glass. By doing so, Webster writes, people can "send Gabriel's energies to every cell" of their bodies.  This is an interesting concept.  

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