Of the Archangels, Ariel is maybe one of the most interesting. The following is a collection of data that I have gathered from the Internet and different books. Ariel appears sometimes in male form but is primarily female energy.
Archangel Ariel is associated with the crystal Rose Quartz because this is the vibration of this angel. Colors vibrate at different rates and pink is how Ariel vibrates so if you see pink around you then you are getting a glimpse of Ariel.
Ariel is also associated with nature. She is the nurturer of all things in nature from the earth itself and it's vegetation to the animals on the earth. Ariel literally means, "lion of God" so Ariel watches over animals. Jean Barker in her book "The Angel Whispered" writes, "Ariel and her earth angels can help us understand the natural rhythms of the earth and to experience the magical healing properties of rocks, trees, and plants. She also works to help heal and look after all animals, especially those who live in water."

Archangel Ariel has the charge over nature and it is her job to protect animals and plants alike. Part of her commission is to use the bounty and beauty of nature and the gentleness of animals to inspire mankind. With this inspiration mankind is then more likely to take better care of planet earth and the plants and animals who dwell thereon. According to the angel cards Archangel Ariel offers her guidance of strength and grace through kindness, self-confidence and forgiveness. This means that if you find yourself seeking God's Grace or are in need of finding strength, calling on Ariel to come to your aid is a logical choice. Finding the ability to forgive and let go is always a difficult task. Try asking Archangel Ariel to help you reach true forgiveness. Keep in mind that forgiveness is always about forgiving yourself and not about someone else.
The angel cards also associate Archangel Ariel with prosperity. The angel's message about prosperity is, "Your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality." Ariel can help you make a wide variety of different types of discoveries, including: "revelatory perception,psychic abilities, discovery of hidden treasures, discovery of nature's secrets, acknowledgement, gratitude, subtlety, discretion, bearer of new ideas, inventor, revelatory dreams and meditations, clairvoyance,clairaudience, clairsentience, [and] discovery of philosophical secrets that lead to the reorientation of one's life," write Kaya and Christiane Muller in their book The Book of Angels: Dreams, Signs, Meditation: The Hidden Secrets.
In his book The Angel Whisperer: Incredible Stories of Hope and Love from the Angels Kyle Gray calls Ariel "a courageous angel who helps us to overcome any fears or worries in our path."
Jean Barker writes in The Angel Whispered: "If you need courage or confidence with any situation, or assistance with standing up for your beliefs, call upon Ariel, who will then gently but firmly guide you to be courageous and stand up for your convictions."
If you feel a sudden bit of inspiration, or courage, or strength or perhaps a special empathy for nature or its animals, it may very well be that Archangel Ariel is close by.
Here are a couple sample prayers you might use to contact Archangel Ariel.
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