Angels may choose to come to you in your dreams. Their appearance may be because they have a message to give you which you have not been able to hear while awake or because you invited them into your dreams by asking to speak with them as you fell asleep. If they gave you no clear message in your dream then how they appeared in the dream has significance. Angels are there for protection as well as bringing a message of peace and well-being.
To understand the meaning of seeing angels or an angel in your dream it is important to pay attention to any message they might be saying to you or if they are not saying something then pay attention to how they appeared, what surrounded them, were they ascending or descending, etc. If they were carrying a scroll be sure to pay attention to what was written. If their message does appear on a scroll this means the dream is highly spiritual and the message is extremely important to your spiritual growth. Remember to pay attention to how they made you feel. How many angels were there?
Usually angels in your dream symbolize protection, comfort, consolation, goodness and purity. If they are there to offer guidance then you should feel a sense of security and calm. This feeling should make it easier for you to hear their message to you. If you do heed their message it should bring you greater happiness and fulfillment in your life. At least after awaking from this dream the positive feeling you got from the dream should linger.
There is a significance to the number of angels you saw in your dream. If there were three angels it usually signifies it is a dream of spirituality and holiness. It probably means you are growing spiritually and your consciousness is being elevated.
In your daily life if you are struggling or carrying negative feelings and thoughts throughout the day the appearance of an angel in your dream is probably their intent to warn you that your present negative state of thought is causing harm to you and they want you to release hurt and let the love of God flood your thoughts. In this way you will change your outward experience.
This then would be their message to you. "Life is too short to argue and fight with the past. Count your blessings, value your loved ones and move on with your head held high." Remember it is not what happens to you that matters but how you handle what happens. God knows the intent of your heart. Keep your mind and heart straight before God.
If you see yourself as an angel in your dream it does not indicate that you are dying or will die soon. It means you have done something really good or said something especially kind and it has left you feeling very good about yourself. It has left you feeling 'angelic'.
Should you see the 'angel of death' in your dream it is a rather scary dream but it does not mean you are being warned that you will die soon. It means rather that there is or will be an abrupt end to something in your waking life experience like the end of a bad habit or some unpleasant situation or maybe a relationship. It is usually about some kind of feeling that you have either rejected or repressed. Once this feeling is dealt with your negative experience will come to an end. So, seeing the 'angel of death' may be a good thing for you.
If an angel has black wings it may just be an indication that your life is a black slate and is therefore full of possibilities. Black wings could indicate your inward emotions are unknown to you or that you are worried about something. Here is where paying attention to how the dream made you feel is important. If the dream made you feel happy or content in any way then it was a spiritual dream indicating your spiritual awareness.
One final thought here is that if the angel or angels in your dream were descending from heaven it most likely means they are trying to reach you with a message. If they were ascending to the heavens and especially if they wanted you to follow it means you are growing spiritually or that you need to pay special attention to your spiritual growth. It is about lofty desires and your ability to rise above any situation.

If an angel has black wings it may just be an indication that your life is a black slate and is therefore full of possibilities. Black wings could indicate your inward emotions are unknown to you or that you are worried about something. Here is where paying attention to how the dream made you feel is important. If the dream made you feel happy or content in any way then it was a spiritual dream indicating your spiritual awareness.
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