This video is a recorded message from Archangel Michael. Please listen to this message with an open mind and heart. This message explains life, death, life purpose, Spirit, planes of consciousness and more. It brings tears to my eyes every time I hear this message. It makes more sense of our life experience than anything I have ever heard.
Archangel Michael is considered the elder of all Spirit Beings or angels of God. He was known to be the elder brother of Satan who was the second Archangel God created and he raised Satan. It was also Michael who overcame Satan when he turned against God. So it is reported. Archangel Michael is in charge of all Guardian angels and of those who offer comfort and support. He is known as a warrior angel possessing great strength and compassion who fights for truth, justice, integrity and is chiefly concerned with protection and courage. In great times of danger and turmoil Archangel Michael is at the ready to come to your aid but you much ask for his help. Angels, even those who are in charge of other angels, are not allowed to interfere with human will. While you are here on the earthly plane your will is your gift from God. With the ability to exercise human will you are a co-creator of your own existence. This makes your earthly experience a fast-track to the growth of your soul.

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