Monday, November 9, 2015


Sometimes when you encounter angels they seem like amazing gentle giants...

This image is something I found online and it looks to be a painting.  When I have seen angels over the years, they are very tall and I have never actually seen them with wings nor have I seen them fly.  When seeing them as angels they appear rather mystical like in this image.  Angels are made of light and are not flesh and blood like us but they do seem to be very tall and large figures.  Mostly they come with a great deal of emotion.  You can feel their presence and you can feel not only their love for you but their strength.  Encountering angels in any form always gives you a great sense of being loved and protected.

In times of great danger angels have made their presence known in my life.  There are numerous occasions where I have personally experienced this phenomenon but they have been of a very personal nature so I won't share these times.  However, this experience happened when I was in my early twenties and newly married.  I was raised in a Christian Science Church and the church was a huge part of my life.  One afternoon it was my responsibly, along with a couple other church members, to man an outreach booth.  The purpose was to hand out our various pieces of literature and our Christian Science Monitor to anyone who might be interested.  Of course, part of our being there was to answer any questions about our church.  We had a table with literature spread out and were set up in the entrance of a large store.   Being there was very uncomfortable for me, not because people were asking questions but because I was extremely shy.

While there I was praying that any answers I offered would come from God within and not from my own ego.  About half-way through our time there I became aware of smelling cold, fresh water.  It cleared my nostrils and it was a lot like being in front of a clean babbling brook just after a rain.  You know that smell?  Then I felt a very large presence standing next to me.  I saw a man a lot like in the picture here.  I quickly looked around to see if anyone else was looking at him but no one seemed to notice this enormous man.  Well, being that he was rather transparent it was not a surprise that no one else saw him there.  I did and I felt his calming assurance.  I wasn't on any medication nor have I ever in my life taken recreational drugs.  I have never been diagnosed as having any physiological problems either. 

 When angels make themselves visible to you in any form they come with an undeniable presence.  It is really so difficult to explain the feeling that accompanies angels.  The angel that was with me I am assuming was my guardian angel but I really don't know.  I was wearing glasses so it was not my eyesight and I do have a very vivid imagination but this is just very different from something imagined.  I wish I knew how to explain this better.  Angels never seem to stay for very long.  They do their job and they leave.  They appear and then they are gone.  Hanging around waiting for a 'Thank You' is just not something you will find them doing.  They are messengers of God's Love and as such have no agenda nor need for gratitude.  At least that is how it has always felt to me.  

This is the last of my personal experience angel stories that I am going to share.  The next few posts will be about the different Archangels and the information I have found about them on the Internet and in different books.  Please keep coming back.  I will also be sharing more wonderful angel images.  

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